Screenshots from October 2002
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01/10/02: Telespazio starts 7 channels on HotBird 6, 11180 H 27500 3/4, infocard idents from TV1 TS3 to TV6 TS3.
TV7 TS3 is a testcard.
03/10/02: UAE Dubai's Channel 33 is in the clear on Nilesat, on two frequencies: 12054 V 6110 3/4 (ident: DUBAI CH33) and 11785 V 27500 3/4 (ident: EDTV 33).
04/10/02: It seems that finally MTV India on Nilesat is not just a copy of an analogue signal.
Quality has increased totally. 11864 V 27500 3/4.
05/10/02: EuroSport Int'l and EuroSportNews are (temporarily?) in the clear on HotBird, 12558 V 27500 3/4.
05/10/02: NileNews from Egypt is now also available on HotBird in the new package from BT Paris,
11137 H 27500 3/4.
05/10/02: Bulgarian channel RTL 7 Dni is in the clear on Thor, 1° west, 12169 H 28000 7/8 (ident: 7 Days TV).
Take a look, a music clip... the name of the band is cyrillic (BEKSTRIYT BOYS!), and the title of the song is latin!
Never seen a poorer quality!
06/10/02: Promo for Extreme Events Channel is back inside UPC package on Telstar at 15° west, 11124 H 18386 3/4.06/10/02: Test from Tele+Digitale on HotBird,
11900 H 27500 3/4 (ident: TST2).
07/10/02: A new testcard on the same mini-package of Deutsche Welle, HotBird 11143 V 5500 7/8 (ident: CCITT O.33).07/10/02: Tamil-Ozhi testing on HotBird, 11938 H 27500 3/4.
07/10/02: Kanal6 from Turkey is forced by turkish authorities to suspend transmissions for a few days, due to a break of law on political propaganda.
Eurasiasat, 42° east, 12652 H 22500 5/6.
07/10/02: New channel from Turkey: Starhaber24, 12652 H 22500 5/6.
09/10/02: promo from greek company OTE on Eutelsat W2, 16° east, 11283 H 27500 3/4.16/10/02: 902 from Greece on Eutelsat W2, 16° east, 11283 H 27500 3/4.
16/10/02: a new package from Eurasiasat at 42° east includes turkish channel CNBC-e, 11137 V 11714 5/6.
16/10/02: promo from Premiere Austria, on Astra1, 19.2° east, 12148 H 27500 3/4.
16/10/02: Infocard for new channels from Disney Channel coming to french package Canal Satellite Numerique, Astra1, 19°.2 east, 12640 V 22000 5/6.16/10/02: testcard from Astra Vision, at 19°.2 east, 12545 H 22000 5/6
(ident: Horzu EPG).
17/10/02: Biri Bizi Gözetliyor, that is Big Brother turkish version, in the clear on Eurasiasat, 42° east,
12636 H 2600 5/6.
17/10/02: infocard from Lig TV, on Eurasiasat, 42° east, 12533 H 3600 5/6.
21/10/02: ChartShop TV, shopping channel for music, in the clear on Astra2, 28° east, 11488 V 27500 2/3.
NTV HAYAT Sarajevo
21/10/02: NTV Hayat from Bosnia-Hercegovina in the clear on Thor,
1° west, 11505 V 4067 1/2 (ident: MREZA+ SARAJEVO).
23/10/02: Tzu Chi TV on Telstar12, 15° west, 12595 H 31830 3/4.
23/10/02: Again news from Eurasiasat, 42° east!
This time 4 new turkish channels: Star5, Star6, Star7, HaberTurk.
12650 V 22500 5/6 (idents: STAR 5, STAR 6, STAR 7, TEST-H).
28/10/02: Caspionet from Kazahstan, on HotBird,
12149 V 27500 3/4.
28/10/02: 06 TV from Greece on HotBird, 12188 V 27500 3/4.
30/10/02: promo from icelandic national television RUV, in the clear, on Thor, 1° west, 11247 V 24500 7/8.
TX1 on line!
30/10/02: Ceylon TV is new on HotBird,
11938 H 27500 3/4 (ident: E5500 test)
30/10/02: TX1 on Astra 2, 28° east, 11488 V 27500 2/3.

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