The End Is Here!!! Abschied von Viva ZWEI!!! Noo!!!

This was the first logo of Viva ZWEI (1995)This was the logo used from 1996 to 2002

Yes, folks! Viva ZWEI, one of the best music channels of the european scene, closed down on sunday the 6th of january 2002 at midnight (CET)!!!

These pages are here to rememeber Viva ZWEI, a music channel that nobody should ever forget! If you have ever been able to watch Viva ZWEI through the years, you already know what i'm talking about!!! If not, this is the place to learn something more! Watch out and bookmark this site!

Viva ZWEI started on the 21st of march 1995 as an alternative to Viva, the main music channel by german tv company 'Viva Fernsehen Gmbh', but during the early years the real alternative was Viva itself, because of shows like Wah Wah, Housefrau, On The Rocks, Trance, etc., while Viva ZWEI (or better, at that time, Viva II) used to show a non-stop mix of classic videos from the 80's and current pop hits, not chart hits anyway! During 1996 the logo was changed to the one we all know! 80's videos disappeared, and only current pop videos were shown instead. During 1997 some Viva shows moved to Viva ZWEI, and the channel started transmitting more indie-rock and less pop. This move led to a new 'taste' for alternative music, which slowly became the main kind of music videos shown on the channel. And 'Die Wende' suddenly appeared on the screen!


It was the 7th of september 1998 at 3pm when Viva ZWEI officially turned into an alternative music channel thanks to a simulated terroristic attack! During the following 24 hours the pictures were transmitted upside down, commercial breaks too!

More to come!

In the meantime some screenshots are available by clicking on the moving logo!

Click here for more screenshots!

Download some Viva ZWEI goodies here! Zwobi-one-kenobi included! (178 Kb)

Viva ZWEI schedule from June 1997
Viva ZWEI schedule from August 1999
Viva ZWEI schedule from 2001

These were the frequencies where Viva ZWEI used to transmit on the ASTRA1 satellites at 19°.2 East.

Analogue transmission: frequency 11303 MHz, horizontal polarisation, audio 7.02/7.20 MHz.
Digital transmission: frequency 12552 MHz, vertical polarisation, SR 22000, FEC 5/6.

Now they are used by a channel called Viva Plus!