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06/06/02: MTV European is available in the clear on Amos at 4° West since the beginning of june, replacing MCM Romania. In 9 days the channel will turn into MTV Romania! Frequency 11431 MHZ, horizontal polarization, SR 9650, FEC 3/4. |
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06/06/02: National Geographic Channel in the clear on Sirius at 5° East. | 06/06/02: Palco, pay-per-view service of italian package Tele+ Digitale on HotBird, stops transmissions for a couple of days, in order to switch to new smartcards. |
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07/06/02: RaiWay testcard on HotBird, freq. 11766 MHz | 07/06/02: Rapture TV is finally back! Tests on EuroBird (SkyDigital) in the clear. Rapture TV was first available in the clear, then encrypted, and then closed down. |
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10/06/02: Odeon TV from Italy on Eutelsat W2, freq. 12684 MHz, horizontal, SR 3255, FEC 2/3. | 12/06/02: ONTV Regional in the clear on Astra 1, 12148 MHz, horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. ONTV is a mix of bavarian channels: OTV-Oberpfalz-TV, TVA Journal, Donau-TV Aktuell, RFL Drehscheibe, Tele Regional TRP1, Telemagazin. |
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12/06/02: ART Global Service on Astra2 in the clear, 11527 MHz. | 12/06/02: ART Music on Astra2 in the clear, 11527 MHz. |
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16/06/02: MTV Romania has officially started! | 16/06/02: The american version of Bloomberg TV is available in the clear, on Telstar12, 15° West, Freq. 11501 MHz, SR 6620, FEC 2/3. Pictures quality is poor, due to conversion from NTSC. |
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24/06/02: ESPN Classic Sport in the clear on SkyDigital, freq. 12344, SR 27500 FEC 2/3, italian soundtrack. | 30/06/02: Test from new slovak package on Eurobird, freq. 12643 MHz. |
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30/06/02: Mosaic channel fom Sky Box Office, on Astra 2. | 30/06/02: Mosaic channel from The Disney Channel, on Astra 2. |