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03/07/02: RTV 21 from Albania has started on Eutelsat W2, 16° east, 11049 MHz, SR 3571, FEC 1/2. Frequency 11431 MHZ, horizontal polarization, SR 9650, FEC 3/4. | 03/07/02: Tests from Haber TV from Turkey, on Eutelsat W3, at 7° east, Digiturk package, 11658 V, SR 30000, FEC 3/4. |
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08/07/02: Single TV from Germany changes frequency on Astra 3. Frequency 11571 MHZ, horizontal polarization, SR 2170, FEC 3/4. | 08/07/02: IBA Arabic Channel from Israel, on HotBird, freq. 12220 MHz. |
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17/07/02: MTV India, available in the clear on Nilesat at 7° west. | 17/07/02: Iraq TV on Nilesat at 7° west. |
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17/07/02: Qanaty, tests on Nilesat at 7° west. | 17/07/02: Telenor Info Channel on Thor at 1° west. |
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17/07/02: High TV from Greece, on HotBird. | 17/07/02: Schedule for Rapture TV tests. The channel will be relaunched in 142 days! www.powertv.co.uk |
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17/07/02: Khalifa TV tests on HotBird. | 17/07/02: Milano in Stream, in the clear on HotBird, Stream package (ident Stream 2). |
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24/07/02: Hallmark tests on Telstar 12 at 15° west, freq. 11534 Ghz Hor, SR 19522, FEC 2/3. | 24/07/02: Hallmark Israel in the clear on Telstar 12. |
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24/07/02: AlMajd info screen on Nilesat. | 24/07/02: Heya TV starts official transmissions on Nilesat at 7° west, freq. 11900 Ghz Ver, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. |
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24/07/02: Spanish company Telefonica offers transponder rent on HotBird with this analogue promo, freq. 11224 H, NTSC. |
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24/07/02: Tests from Casino Channel, on Eurobird, 28° east, freq. 11546 Ghz Hor, SR 27500, FEC 2/3. | 24/07/02: Wonderful on Eurobird, 28° east, freq. 11623 Ghz Hor, SR 27500, FEC 2/3. |
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26/07/02: Tests from the new satellite Hellas Sat on the new orbital position of 39° east. Freq. 12653 V, 27500 3/4. | 26/07/02: Balkania TV promo on HotBIrd, freq. 12188 Mhz V, 27500 3/4. |
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26/07/02: ESPN package in the clear on Telstar 12 at 15° west includes four different versions of the channel, and feeds. Picture has only 525 lines, because of american standard NTSC (check the black bar on the lower part of the screen). Freq. 12525 V, SR 26470, FEC 3/4. |
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29/07/02: RTL9 is in the clear at 5° east on the old and re-located Astra 1A satellite. Freq. 11370 MHz Ver, SR 3260, FEC 5/6. | 29/07/02: Rai International test, HotBird, 11380 MHz Ver, SR 4400, FEC 7/8. |
29/07/02: Polish package Nowa Cyfra+ is not available on Astra at 19° east anymore. |